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Art Figurines of a Woman Blindfolded and on Her Knees

Personification of justice

blindfolded lady with sword in right hand held vertically down to floor, and a set of balance scales in her left hand held neck high

Lady Justice (Latin: Iustitia) is an allegorical personification of the moral strength in judicial systems.[1] [ii] Her attributes are scales, a sword and sometimes a blindfold. She often appears equally a pair with Prudentia.

Lady Justice originates from the personification of Justice in Ancient Roman art known as Iustitia or Justitia,[iii] who is equivalent to the Greek goddess Dike.

The goddess Justitia [edit]

The origin of Lady Justice was Justitia, the goddess of Justice within Roman mythology. Justitia was introduced by emperor Augustus, and was thus not a very former deity in the Roman pantheon.

Justice was one of the virtues celebrated by emperor Augustus in his clipeus virtutis, and a temple of Iustitia was established in Rome past emperor Tiberius.[3] Iustitia became a symbol for the virtue of justice with which every emperor wished to associate his regime; emperor Vespasian minted coins with the image of the goddess seated on a throne called Iustitia Augusta, and many emperors after him used the epitome of the goddess to proclaim themselves protectors of justice.[3]

Though formally called a goddess with her own temple and cult shrine in Rome, information technology appears that she was from the onset viewed more as an artistic symbolic personification rather than as an actual deity with religious significance.

Delineation [edit]

The personification of justice balancing the scales dates dorsum to the goddess Maat,[4] and afterwards Isis, of ancient Egypt. The Hellenic deities Themis and Dike were subsequently goddesses of justice. Themis was the embodiment of divine order, law, and custom, in her attribute as the personification of the divine rightness of law.

Scales [edit]

Lady Justice is most often depicted with a set of scales typically suspended from one hand, upon which she measures the strengths of a instance's support and opposition.

The Greek goddess Dike is depicted holding a set of scales.

Bacchylides, Fragment 5 (trans. Campbell, Vol. Greek Lyric Four) (Greek lyric c. fifth B.C.):

If some god had been belongings level the balance of Dike (Justice).

The scales represent the weighing of evidence, and the scales lack a foundation in order to signify that evidence should stand on its own.

Blindfold [edit]

Since the 16th century, Lady Justice has often been depicted wearing a blindfold. The blindfold was originally a satirical addition intended to prove justice equally blind to the injustice carried on earlier her,[5] but information technology has been reinterpreted over time and is at present understood to represent impartiality, the platonic that justice should be practical without regard to wealth, power, or other condition. The earliest Roman coins depicted Justitia with the sword in one hand and the scale in the other, but with her optics uncovered.[6] Justitia was but commonly represented as "blind" since the heart of the 16th century. The first known representation of blind Justice is Hans Gieng's 1543 statue on the Gerechtigkeitsbrunnen (Fountain of Justice) in Bern.[7]

Instead of using the Janus approach, many sculptures just leave out the blindfold altogether. For example, atop the Onetime Bailey courthouse in London, a statue of Lady Justice stands without a blindfold;[8] the courthouse brochures explain that this is considering Lady Justice was originally not blindfolded, and because her "maidenly form" is supposed to guarantee her impartiality which renders the blindfold redundant.[ix] Another variation is to depict a blindfolded Lady Justice as a man scale, weighing competing claims in each paw. An instance of this can exist seen at the Shelby County Courthouse in Memphis, Tennessee.[10]

Sword [edit]

The sword represented authorisation in ancient times, and conveys the thought that justice tin can be swift and concluding.[11]

Toga [edit]

The Greco-Roman garment symbolizes the status of the philosophical attitude that embodies justice.[xi] [ unreliable source? ]

In reckoner systems [edit]


In Unicode U+2696 SCALES

Unicode version 4.1.0 implemented a scales symbol at code signal U+2696,[12] that may exist used to correspond the scales of justice.

In art [edit]

Sculpture [edit]

Painting [edit]

Heraldry [edit]

Lady Justice and her symbols are used in heraldry, especially in the arms and seals of legal government agencies.

Come across also [edit]

Goddesses of Justice and related concepts [edit]

  • (Goddesses of Justice): Astraea, Dike, Themis, Eunomia, Prudentia, Praxidice
  • (Goddesses of Injustice): Adikia
  • (Aspects of Justice):
    • (Justice) Themis/Dike/Eunomia/Justitia (Lady Justice), Raguel (the Angel of Justice)
    • (Retribution) Nemesis/Rhamnousia/Rhamnusia/Adrasteia/Adrestia/Invidia
    • (Redemption) Eleos/Soteria/Clementia, Zadkiel/Zachariel (the Angel of Mercy)
  • Durga, Hindu goddess of justice
  • Lady Luck
  • Lady Liberty

Astronomy [edit]

  • five Astraea, 24 Themis, 99 Dike and 269 Justitia, master belt asteroids all named for Astraea, Themis, Dike and Justitia, Classical goddesses of justice.

Notable programs [edit]

  • "Performance Lady Justice (Presidential Task Force on Missing and Murdered American Indians and Alaska Natives)

In fiction [edit]

  • Judge Anderson, a female fictional police enforcer and psychic appearing in the British science fiction comics 2000 AD and the Judge Dredd Megazine.

In popular culture [edit]

  • Metallica, a pop American heavy metal band, used an illustrated depiction of a cracked, rope-bound Lady Justice for their studio album ...And Justice for All

References [edit]

  1. ^ Hamilton, Marci. God vs. the Gavel, page 296 (Cambridge University Press 2005): "The symbol of the judicial system, seen in courtrooms throughout the United States, is blindfolded Lady Justice."
  2. ^ Fabri, The challenge of change for judicial systems, page 137 (IOS Printing 2000): "the judicial system is intended to exist apolitical, its symbol being that of a blindfolded Lady Justice holding a balanced scales."
  3. ^ a b c "IUSTITIA".
  4. ^ "Apendix D: Legal Symbols of the Anglo-American Legal Tradition". The Guide to American Constabulary : Anybody'south Legal Encyclopedia. Vol. 11. St. Paul [Minn.]: W Publishing Company. 1983. p. 687. ISBN0314732241. OCLC 9196541.
  5. ^ Manderson, Desmond. Blind Justice (2020) 66:ane McGill LJ v
  6. ^ Run into "The Scales of Justice every bit Represented in Engravings, Emblems, Reliefs and Sculptures of Early on Modern Europe" in One thousand. Lamoine, ed., Images et representations de la justice du XVie au XIXe siècle (Toulouse: University of Toulose-Le Mirail, 1983)" at page 8.
  7. ^ Paradigm of Lady Justice in Berne.
  8. ^ Prototype of Lady Justice in London.
  9. ^ Colomb, Gregory. Designs on Truth, p. l (Penn Land Press, 1992).
  10. ^ Paradigm of Lady Justice in Memphis.
  11. ^ a b Brent T. Edwards. "Symbolism of Lady Justice". Retrieved 24 February 2017.
  12. ^ "Unicode Data-4.1.0". Retrieved 2020-09-28 .
  13. ^ Takács, Peter. "Statues of Lady Justice in Hungary: Representation of Justitia in town halls, courthouses, and other public spaces" (PDF). Človek a Spoločnost. Győr, Hungary: Széchenyi István University. ISSN 1335-3608.

External links [edit]

  • DOJ Seal - History and Motto [ dead link ]


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